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The Technology (Art of Logic and Mind) of the Holy Texts of Greece

So much pain…. So much fear ... So much uncertainty and insecurity about our Future. Even if we live in a high-tech world today with regard to the Internet, medicine, energy, education, electronics, business, space, physics, the environment, etc., there is so much suffering when it's about humanity… .. wars, hunger, poverty, economic crisis, disease, racism and more…
This is because there is so much miscommunication that disconnects humanity. We see politicians using words (whose meanings have been contaminated), and trying "so hard" to save us from this misery. We also see the mainstream media playing a horrible role in everything that happens.

And on the other hand, we remain spectators of this nasty show we watch through our high-tech television, smartphones, laptops or desktops, trying to find the truth through all these shameful lies.

To find the truth, you must first clarify the words you use and define their meanings correctly. Otherwise, this miscommunication will continue to exist, causing even greater damage to all of us.
For example, as far as the word "Technology" is concerned, its true meaning is "Art" (techno / techni) of "Logic" (logic). It is in fact the "Art of Speech", the "Art of the Mind" (Speech means Speech and Reason).

Technology is not all these gadgets we use to make our lives easier (where in the end we end up with more problems). It is the Value of Logic that unites us all. Even when you "log in" to your computer, enter the logos / logic (log). However, as I mentioned earlier, all this true technology has been fraudulently infected.

As you read this, there is a person right now who is being held in an inhumane prison (since June 2018, without any charges) and is writing thousands of pages about every human being on this planet. He writes every day and proves, through geometric, arithmetic and mathematical processes, the real meanings of the words, such as Democracy, Laws, History, Justice, Justice, Politics, Education, Freedom and much more. In this way, the true and kind Citizen (Citizen) will have a lawful state (State) and will produce Culture (Culture).

Through his thousands of handwritten pages, he reminded us that the true Alpha-Omega Scripture (aptly known as the "Alphabet") is based on Geometry, where the two endpoints - Alpha and Omega - create all the intermediate letters. Therefore, we see a cyclical, endless process where Alpha (beginning) leads to Omega (end) and where Omega (beginning, containing the letter "alpha" at the end, like Omeg-a) leads to Alpha (end).

In this process, we see the birth of symbols (also known as letters), words, concepts, sounds and more. This process is purely geometric and arithmetic, since all the letters have a geometric shape (eg A, B, etc.) that determines their written form as well as their pronunciation (oral point of view).
We all realize that we live in uncoordinated societies with an unhealthy pulse and rhythm.
And even behind bars, this man never stops fighting. Even a prisoner, he gives the rhythm of unity and calls on all of us to take a stand.

Rhythm itself will connect us. This is why he uses arithmetic to prove the true meanings of all these words. This is because "numbers" and math are never false.
A-rithmetic comes from the word A-rithmos which means "Number". This is the "rhythm" (rithmos) of Alpha (beginning). It is the "rhythm" of the source and the pulse that coordinates everything.
This person became known in Greece, since September 2012. He exposes the damaged and global banking system, with all the corrupt politicians involved in all this. In 2015, he founded the political organization E.SY. (Ellinon Syneleysis) which is the political platform of real democracy. From 2017 onwards, he has not stopped writing thousands of pages of true knowledge, based on proof and mathematical procedures.

Today, we present to you the official website where its Texts are uploaded and everyone can read them for free. Four of his texts have been translated into English and are being uploaded to the same site. Most of his texts are in the process of translation, so that every person has access to this real Knowledge.

We invite all people to read and seek the truth, through true technology (Art of Logic).
Before closing this article, I would like to suggest themfollowing:
Given that there are so many negative things against this person through the media, do not make a bad judgment about him. Think how many innocent people in the history of mankind, who fought for Justice and Freedom, ended up in prison and with corruption.

Even in these inhuman conditions of imprisonment, where all of humanity faces similar inhuman conditions, it is here to light the way for each of us.

Find the Truth and the Truth will set you free.
We are united. Separately we fall.

Καλλιόπη Altintasioti







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